Sunday, November 30, 2008


It's one thing remembering things that happen since you've been born but Intelligent people expect you to know about stuff that happen even before you were born - they call this 'History'.

INTELLIGENT FACT #2: If we wrote all the history of world in one book it would be the size of the moon. (note: scientists are developing a pen that can write on planets)

I know what your thinking... I don't have a spaceship to get to this 'moon-book', but don't worry, we're here to help!

You see, you don't need to know everything about everything which leads us on to our second lesson...

LESSON #2: War
(difficulty level: 2/5)

There are far too many wars to remember so let's take the main wars, they are called World War I and World War II.

Things you should know about these wars to cover your ass:
  1. They took place on Earth
  2. They were human versus human wars
  3. 'I' means 1 and 'II' means 2
  4. It's 'World War I' NOT 'World War' (it's not like Rocky and Rocky 2).
  5. The Germans lost both wars.
Sometimes intelligent people make World War 3 jokes - you can do this too. Whenever you see people arguing say, 'looks like World War 3 has broken out!'.

Give it a go, if you make a joke like this people will assume you must know alot about the first 2 wars, and if you're lucky more!!


This Blog is dedicated to helping those of us who would like to become smart but don't have the time or ability to do so.

We can instead develop an 'Air of Intelligence' and pretend to be smart :)

INTELLIGENT FACT #1: Less than 50% of truly smart people can tell the difference between an actual intelligent person and a person that possesses the 'Air of Intelligence'.

You're probably thinking -interesting fact- ... but where do I start?

LESSON #1: Greetings
(difficulty level: 1/5)

Begin a conversation by saying 'hello' instead of using common greetings such as 'hi', 'hey' or 'what do you want'.
It is polite and instantly gets you off on the right track.

When you have mastered that try using terms such as 'Good morning', 'Good afternoon' or 'Good evening'.
This has the same effect as 'hello' with the added bonus of showing people you know what time of day it is.

Use meals to remember the time of the day:
Morning: breakfast - lunch
Afternoon: lunch- dinner
Evening: dinner- bedtime

Give it a go, you'll be amazed with the results!