Sunday, November 30, 2008


It's one thing remembering things that happen since you've been born but Intelligent people expect you to know about stuff that happen even before you were born - they call this 'History'.

INTELLIGENT FACT #2: If we wrote all the history of world in one book it would be the size of the moon. (note: scientists are developing a pen that can write on planets)

I know what your thinking... I don't have a spaceship to get to this 'moon-book', but don't worry, we're here to help!

You see, you don't need to know everything about everything which leads us on to our second lesson...

LESSON #2: War
(difficulty level: 2/5)

There are far too many wars to remember so let's take the main wars, they are called World War I and World War II.

Things you should know about these wars to cover your ass:
  1. They took place on Earth
  2. They were human versus human wars
  3. 'I' means 1 and 'II' means 2
  4. It's 'World War I' NOT 'World War' (it's not like Rocky and Rocky 2).
  5. The Germans lost both wars.
Sometimes intelligent people make World War 3 jokes - you can do this too. Whenever you see people arguing say, 'looks like World War 3 has broken out!'.

Give it a go, if you make a joke like this people will assume you must know alot about the first 2 wars, and if you're lucky more!!

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