Sunday, December 7, 2008


Most of you probably prefer not to read books, and that's ok. However, intelligent people tend to like reading books so you are going to have to blag your way through this one I'm afraid, but it may be easier than you think ;)

I know what you're thinking... The last book I read was about some weirdo trying to get people to eat green eggs and ham, how is this ever gonna work!

LESSON #4: Books
(difficulty level: 3/5)

Luckily for us many books are turned into films by people who are too lazy to think of films for themselves, for people who are too lazy to read the book in the first place.

Chances are you have seen some of these films before and can pretend that you have also read the book. If you are asked which you prefer just say you preferred the book as this is the usual response from an intelligent person plus it makes you look like you enjoy reading.

Films based on books:

  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • The Da Vinci Code
  • The Godfather
  • Forrest Gump
  • Little Women
  • Kramer Vs Kramer
  • A Clockwork Orange
  • The Exorcist
  • Hunt for Red October
  • Gorillas in the Mist
  • Jaws
  • Die Hard (from the book Nothing Lasts Forever)
  • How Stella Got Her Groove Back
If one of these is your favourite film why not also make it your favourite book! ;)

If you know of any other films based on books why not leave a comment below.

Best of luck, Mr Smrt :)


Paudy said...

Nothing Lasts Forever is now my favourite book, how can I ever thank you for this new found intellegence Mr Smrat!!

SmartyPants said...

Good day Mr. Smrt. You raise an interesting point about books, however what of the most famous books - Joyce's Ulysses, Tolstoy's War and Peace, Melville's Moby Dick? I'm not intelligent enough to read these. Is there anything I can do?

Anonymous said...

Yeah suck a lemon!