Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Many people wear glasses and most of them are in fact intelligent. Some unintelligent people can actually look smart when they wear glasses, and I will give you some examples but first an interesting FACT!!

Do you recall FACT #1?? Well here it is in case you forgot...

"INTELLIGENT FACT #1: Less than 50% of truly smart people can tell the difference between an actual intelligent person and a person that possesses the 'Air of Intelligence'."

While this was true it is interesting to note what happens when glasses are involved...

INTELLIGENT FACT #4: Less than 10% of truly smart people can tell the difference between an actual intelligent person and a person that possesses the 'Air of Intelligence' when the person is wearing glasses.

You're probably thinking -wow, interesting fact- ... You mean I was fooling 50% of people... 10% will be child's play!!

But be warned...

LESSON #4: Glasses
(difficulty level: 1/5)

This is not as easy as simply putting on a pair of glasses. Here are two examples of getting it wrong.

This is Sarah:

As you can see Sarah looks like she may be intelligent or at least has the 'Air of Intelligence'.

Sarah may look like she could be a
librarian, a schoolmaster or even a solicitor.


Sarah doesn't even read newsp
apers, she just pretends to.

Sarah's mistake was not reading this blog and not following the rules to develop 'The Air'!! Please people, follow the rules at all times.

This is Timmy:

Timmy looks like a fun guy, up for a laugh, a bit wacky!
Wacky people are intelligent right?


Intelligent people aren't that fun or wacky, possibly weird, but not wacky.

Timmy's first mistake was to wear novelty glasses with a mallet attached to them.
Please avoid novelty glasses at all times, and while we are on the subject do not wear tools above your waist.

Don't despair, as long as you keep Sarah and Timmy's mistakes in mind you'll be fine.
Try on your friend's glasses when they're not watching and see if it works! You'll be amazed with the results!

Best of luck, Mr Smrt :)


Paudy said...

My beloved desk neighbour also wears glasses. I don't want this to come across wrong or anything but when he wears glasses he looks like a PITIFUL PENCIL-NECK GEEK (really make the p sound when you're reading this, even spit for effect if you have to). I think I've learned from this lesson, he doesn't do any work, he just pretends to...

Anonymous said...

I borrowed a friend's glasses to try out your theory sir, I experienced extreme nausea, dizziness and found my eyesight got worse. Are these all signs that I am getting smarter?