Thursday, January 22, 2009


Hello all you 'intelligent' people ;)

Just a quick one here on the subject of tea. I'm sure you've all had a lovely cup of tea at some point but if someone asked you what your favourite is, what would you say? You'd probably say something like:

"That would be Barry's Tea - sure isn't it 'Ireland's favourite' tea, next question. "


LESSON #5: Tea
(difficulty level: 4/5)

I surveyed some truly intelligent people and here are some of their answers:

"herbal tea - no sugar"
"green tea, without sugar"
"black tea... with lemon
... in a china cup... on a saucer"
"Cranberry and crushed vanilla, sprinkled with truffle shavings - it's really a fantastic blend"
"I can't leave the house until I have a cup of tea, which
I make myself from pink rose petals, wheatgrass and a hint of loganberry juice - I swear by it."

Making your own blend is closely related to sorcery, which is the 'in-thing' with intelligent people these days.

INTELLIGENT FACT #5: If all intelligent people stopped drinking tea tomorrow an estimated 5 billion people would lose their jobs (including Stephen Fry and a small number of chimpanzees). It is estimated that intelligent people would most likely drink coffee instead.

So try some new tea blends to impress your friends, it'll work wonders!!

(However, if this is too big a step just drink black coffee and tell people it's 'fairtrade', this will have a similar effect.)

Best of luck, Mr. Smrt :)

1 comment:

Paudy said...

All about the early gray tea!