Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Greetings - simplified

For those of you who have mastered 'hello' but are still having trouble making the leap to 'Good morning', 'Good afternoon' or 'Good evening'...

may I suggest keeping it simple and saying 'Good day' instead.

This can be used in the morning, afternoon or the evening and is particularly helpful when you've eaten an extra meal and are confused as to what time of the day it is.

Best of luck, Mr Smrt :)

1 comment:

Aldo said...

good day and thank you Mr. Smrt. You have made my life so much easier in just 3 easy steps so far, how can i repay you...now i can greet people with ease, as i did at teh start of this comment, but i still need help with a lot of other everyday things.